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Flood & Water Damage

What to Expect with Water Damage

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24/7 Emergency Response

When water enters the home, it can be a harrowing experience. There are the immediate safety concerns of possible electrocution and bacteria exposure, followed by the levity of dealing with property damage and the loss of priceless keepsake measures. All these issues must be managed before a homeowner even entertains the process of cleaning up the water and moving on with life.


There are no two ways around it, water damage is unfortunate. Our team will quickly get the situation under control, working together with Certified Approved Vendors or Subcontractors as needed to get your home back on track.


To understand the steps that you’ll be facing, it’s important to recognize the four stages of water infiltration.




Our Approach

Phase 1: The Introduction of Water

Whether it be a torrential downpour or the bursting of pipes in the home, the first stage in a flooded room is the introduction of water. While water damage can happen in virtually any area of the home, the most common destination is in the basement, which is below grade. Water will seep in through windows or cracks in the foundation and is especially profound when downspouts aren’t directed at least three feet of the house and the soil around the basement isn’t sloped down away from the house. The quicker a homeowner can identify and put an abrupt stop to the leaks the less expansive the damage.


Phase 2: Absorption

One of the main reasons for the fast removal of water that has entered the home is to minimize the damage from absorption. The longer water is left to sit the more it will soak into drywall, floors, furniture, etc. It’s important to contact your local experts or Four Seasons Restoration immediately to get the water extraction process started. The quicker we get the water out, the sooner it can begin the drying process and minimize damages.


Phase 3: Humidity Damage

It’s important to note that removing the free-standing water is only a part of the remediation process. The advent of water, especially in a cool, damp area like a basement can start to lead to humidity damage. The moisture starts to evaporate which clings into the air in the room. In turn, this condensation starts forming high up on walls, in ceiling tiles, or on the paperwork that had no actual contact with the water. Four Seasons Restoration again jumps into action with our extra-capacity dehumidifiers that drain the moisture from the air and prevent even more costly repairs.


Phase 4: Prevent Mold Growth

Mold can grow in a basement or any area exposed to moisture at any time but that threat is exasperated by the house taking on water. Mold is an eyesore that actually makes one’s eyes sore because of allergen properties. Attacking mold and mildew early is important because if left to harvest the spores will spread. Our team's approach to mitigating the mold includes drying the wet areas and taking the moisture out of the air. In some situations, areas of heavy mold growth need to be removed, most often carpet or drywall but our main goal is to always attempt to recover before replacing. An important thing about mold and mildew is confinement because the microbial growth will spread if not tended to take appropriate steps. 


  • Clean gutters and downspouts.

  • Know the location of your water main shut-off valve in the case of an emergency.

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent further damage.

  • If it is a life-threatening emergency call 911 immediately. Your property can always be restored, but not your life.

  • Do not attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces without first contacting your local experts or Four Seasons Restoration. 

Emergency Water Damage Tips


Did You Know?

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Categorizing the level of contamination of the water in a damaged structure not only helps us perform a loss assessment, but it is also essential for establishing the correct drying strategy and procedure. Water damage is divided into three general categories: clean water, gray water, and black water. 


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